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Household Appliances - Made in Taiwan, SHING-PUN Enterprise Co., Ltd. is locate
Original Design, Total Branding Solution Cerebrum Design is the “ innovative one-stop ” design branding consultancy firm. We understand that a strong brand foundation is essential for brand success and that innovation is a key driver for business growth. We comprehend our creativity with the logical sense of marketability and commercial viability, while Managing brand image consistency through out the process. We are experience creators, bridging consumer’s aspirations with the core values of brands today. Cerebrum Design is one of the most established design consultancy in Taiwan and Thailand, and the business footprint extends to Sweden, India, Cambodia, France, Singapore, China / Hong Kong, and Japan. With these project experience, Cerebrum Design develops extensive creative insights about consumer trends and design trends in the global market. Cerebrum Design always been referred on exploring Asian insights and at the same time, assisted Asian brands and manufacturers to develop creative products as well as a distinctive brand identity for the global market.
GBS started as a trading company in 2003 to serve the semiconductor market in Singapore. Its earlier products were mainly precision machined parts from Korea which were fast becoming a commodity as the industry matured. In order to remain relevant in the marketplace, a better definition was made to our business strategy. Our goal is to create sustainable and differentiated value propositions to our customers by leveraging on our Partners’ core competencies, our network and developing local expertise in supporting the defined products and services. In line with the business strategy in moving up the value chain, we have set up a Heater Pedestal refurb facility in Singapore in 2009 under a licensing agreement with our US’s technology partner, Aceco Precision Manufacturing – a 5 times Intel (2005-2009) PQS Award winner. As part of our growth strategies; growing beyond Singapore and Semiconductor. An associated company, GBS (Taiwan) was incorporated in Hsinchu in 2009 to serve our customers in Taiwan and China. Leveraging on our Partners’ technologies meant for semiconductor manufacturing, new applications were developed in new market segments such in the Defense, LED and Solar manufacturing.
We are a small but fast growing technical Sales and Service organisation serving the Semiconductor, Photronics and Optoelectronics Industry in the Pacific region. It was founded in 1985 in Hong Kong. To enhance our operations in the Far East, we established branch offices in Taiwan and Singapore in the early 1990s. At the start of the new millennium, we also set up an office in Shanghai, to cope with our growth in Mainland China. Now the company has Service Centers in Hong Kong,Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and various cities (Shanghai, Suzhou, Tianjin and Shenzhen) in China. The company represents various leading equipment and material manufacturers in the Far East. Our customers include almost all Assembly Houses, Wafer Fabs, LCD manufacturers and major universities and research institutes in the territories we cover. We are looking for high-quality candidates to join our Taiwan team to grow the business together.
台灣元美有限公司成立於1980年。 台灣元美從事電玩產業已有20多年的時間,創立之初從電玩木箱廠做起,進而從事整體機台的設計、研發與製造。 在台灣電玩產業的激烈競爭中,台灣元美的機台零組件用的都是台灣貨。 Made in Taiwan 是我們對產品品質的堅持與信心。由於對品質的要求與對客戶的信用與服務熱誠,台灣元美現今已是中部海線唯一一家成立超過20年的專業電玩機台製造業者。 台灣元美在近10年的時間大都以外銷市場為主,我們的客戶除了大陸、東南亞,在中南美洲的智利、薩爾瓦多、哥斯大黎加等地都有我們的產品遍佈,並且穩定成長中。
We are a social enterprise. Health Olive Corp. is founded to be a social enterprise providing Chinese Olive Powders to benefit people's health. With a vision of bringing well-being to people and harmony to the environment, we are the pioneer introducing health benefits of the Chinese olive to the western countries. We are committed to promoting natural health, because we care about people. Producing Chinese olive natural food supplement, we ensure what we do is benefiting people and bringing value to communities. We are sort of Fair Trade. To provide natural food supplement, we work directly with Chinese olive farmers on mountains in Taiwan and help them make living from harvest and protect nature environment. Being thankful to the Mother Nature, we dedicate ourselves to protecting nature environment and producing non-polluted Chinese olives. In Taiwan, our Chinese olives are planted on hillside of 500 meters high, with the way of natural farming and with no chemical and pesticide. We have passion for life, for people, and for natural health. According to Chinese ancients practice, Traditional Chinese Medicine, modern research, and our product experiences of 20 years, we have learned great benefits of Chinese olives in helping people maintain and restore health. Having years in research and development, we want to introduce the precious green/ orange label Chinese Olive Powder made of Chinese olives to the world and to benefit everyone’s health. Having support from our local government of agriculture and cooperation with Industrial Technology Research Institute, we have been very successful in manufacturing Chinese Olive Powders for more than 20 years. Under guidance of ISO 22000 and HACCP, we provide high quality of Chinese Olive Powders for people to maintain and restore health.
三裕商事以"能源"為展開事業的目標領域,.我們公司提供符合客戶要求的高品質MADE IN TAIWAN產品。 本公司秉持提供熱誠踏實之服務態度,與購買商品之後的售後服務。 在太陽能發電之領域,我們銷售太陽電池用矽晶圓(silicon wafer)、太陽能電池,以及接受太陽能電池板的委託製造,主要為國外客戶居多,另外在LED之領域,我們代理國外大廠之LED相關材料,主要為國內客戶。 本公司目前持續在成長當中,未來將擴大產品類別、銷售市場以及銷售群。
於1982年董事長呂明通先生在台灣成立三崧貿易有限公司(與上鮮農產有限公司為同體關係企業)網址:www.3shine.com.tw,開始以出口本產蔬果為主要業務,後來因為台灣工資昂貴、耕種土地取得不易,價格無法與國外出口商競爭,於是逐步轉型改為進口蔬果為主要業務,主要的進口以根、莖、花果菜為主,特別以西洋芹菜、結球萵苣、青花菜為大宗,目前我們公司的超人氣招牌商品-T&A羅美心,特別甜脆多汁,賣相極佳。 三崧公司能夠穩定成長,主要是我們對於品質嚴格把關、產品多樣化、穩定的供應市場,與國外的優質廠商長期配合,以品質優.鮮,供貨平價.穩定,深受消費大眾的信賴,消費者可以在好市多、頂好、松青、佳世客、Jasens等超市、及全省各地的傳統市場買到我們進口的新鮮蔬果。 有鑑於國人對健康、安心、無農藥、無化學殘留的新鮮蔬果需求日益增加。我們於2001年開始進口國際有機認證的新鮮有機蔬果,提供消費者豐富的多樣化的選擇。 We are an importers of all kinds fruits and vegetables here in Taiwan like Romaine Heart, Lettuce, Broccoli, Celery, Onions, Carrots, Paprika, Pumpkins, Citrus fruits, Potatoes, Radish, Yams, Cabbage and organic apples, organic potatoes, organic Citrus etc. from different countries all over the world, and our main focus is to give our customers high and premium quality for their satisfaction. * Three Shine started import and export business in 1982 * Retail Sales was established in 2001 * Three Shine Trading is working with reputable suppliers worldwide to source fresh produce with best quality and competitive prices. * All items imported by Three Shine passed strict inspection and with traceability capability that consumers can enjoy produce with no need for safety concern. 主要商品 / 服務項目: 我們進口世界各地優質的新鮮蔬果. 我們進口的蔬果品質新鮮、健康、安心. 我們進口的蔬果品項最多樣化. 我們的供應貨源最穩定. 我們的業務人員24小時接聽電話. 我們與顧客互動頻繁. 直接進口、包裝、配送提供最佳服務. 於1982年成立貿易部. 於2001年成立超市業務部. 於2003年成立餐飲業&超市包裝配送部
We have our offices both in Kaohsiung, Taiwan and Dongguang, China to keep closer eyes and act as your representative from sourcing, developing, ordering, quality controlling to shipping. With over 20 years experience in furniture and related industry, we can assist you to evaluate factories and suggest you the most suitable and reliable ones for you to develop any OEM projects, placing orders, inspection, and shipping..etc. We follow up on the whole process for you to make your procurement in Taiwan and China more efficient and easier! Nevertheless, the services scope can be tailored as per your needs, we also welcome our clients to communicate with the manufacturers directly.
Yersh Enterprise Co., Ltd was established in 1975 and entered the window covering industry with the traditional wood curtain pole focusing on two major points:Quality finish and reasonable costing. We have Two offices in Taiwan (located in Taichung, and Taipei)and Two factorys in Taichung Taiwan and in Xiamen China. The sales amount in 2006 reached to USD$27,000,000/ year Our products are popular in U.S.A, Japan, Australia and Europe...., and also enjoy NO. 1 reputation in industry. 設立時間:1975年 追求目標:優良的品質、合理的價格 公司評價:傳統產業中的ODM設計,品質生產力均居領導地位 行銷網:U.S.A. JAPAN, AUSTRALIA及歐洲各國 年營業額:USD$20,000,000
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